Health network
Health Network
You don’t have to be a health professional or deliver health services to have a positive impact on the health of the community you serve.
The CVS Health Network supports and informs organisations and individuals who engage with the community and who are therefore well placed to cascade opportunities, news, training and resources. This in turn benefits and informs that community – consequently having a positive impact on health. Anyone may join the Health Network – this is an open-information resource. Local information circulated will link either directly or indirectly to health. Contact Vicky Attwood for more information.
Health Information
Alzheimer’s Research UK presents #sharetheorange – share with others
New online video – campaign launched on 18 January 2016. Produced by Aardman Animations, featuring actor Christopher Eccleston, whose father suffered from dementia:
The background explanation is at:
For every video share the Telegraph will donate £1 to Alzheimer’s Research UK.* Watch the below video and share now: »
Zika Virus
Please click here to read a letter regarding the Zika virus from Public Health England.
Be Clear On Cancer – Blood in Pee Cancer Campaign 15 February-31 March 2016
On 15 February 2016, Public Health England will be running a national campaign to raise awareness of “blood in pee” as a symptom of bladder and kidney cancers. A range of resources for the “blood in pee” campaign are now available on the Campaign Resource Centre
Did you know?
If bladder and kidney cancers are diagnosed at the earliest stage, one year survival is as high as 92 – 96%. At a late stage it drops to just 27% – 37%. See campaign briefing sheet for more info.
Do you have some office space available which could earn your charity an income?
Lancashire Care Foundation Trust are looking for suitable locations for the delivery of mental health services following the closure of Daniels Lane to ensure continued delivery of services in Skelmersdale. If anyone can offer accommodation for this service, or know of anyone else who might be able to help, please contact Phil Winnard, to chat about what may be possible. The service requires small rooms suitable for 2/3 people for assessments and 1:1 meetings – 4/5 rooms if possible.
Phil can be contacted on 07775868805 /
Dial a doctor to avoid a trip to A&E
Patients in West Lancashire are being encouraged to use the GP Out of Hours service this winter and potentially avoid a wasted trip to Accident and Emergency (A&E).
Local intelligence shows some patients are not aware that the GP Out of Hours service is available, and is run by local GPs. This means they are often delaying treatment after a GP practice is closed or are defaulting to A&E.
Dr Peter Gregory, local GP and board member of NHS West Lancashire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) said: “We are aware that many patients are unsure how to access this GP service. Many seem reluctant to call the practice out of hours because they think they will be getting their doctor out of bed.
“As a result patients are either waiting in pain and discomfort until the next working day to get an appointment – possibly risking their health – or are presenting at A&E often with problems that are not emergencies. We want to make it clear to patients across West Lancashire that local GPs are accessible 24 hours a day – even out of hours and on bank holidays.”
The advice to patients who become unwell is that they should think about whether they can self-care in the first instance – not all health issues need medical attention and many can be managed safely in the home.
The pharmacy minor ailments scheme means that you can have a consultation with your pharmacist and obtain advice about treatment. If you don’t pay for prescriptions, the treatment the pharmacist recommends is also free.
But if patients do require medical attention then the next port of call should be their GP. They can access medical care from a GP 24 hours a day – if their surgery is closed, just dial 111.
To find your local NHS services, go to to use the free service finder.
Four charities partner for World Cancer Day 2016
Cancer Research UK, Breast Cancer Care, Anthony Nolan and the Movember Foundation are working together in the lead-up to World Cancer Day 2016. The charities have got together as part of a two week campaign, which starts on Thursday 21 January, and culminates in World Cancer Day on 4 February 2016. It is the first time UK charities have collaborated in aid of the awareness day, which Cancer Research UK launched in the UK last year.
Supporters are encouraged to get a “Unity Band”, which is available from each charity in their own colours, for a suggested donation of £2. All money raised through the sales of the wrist bands will go towards the “vital research projects and support services of each charity”.
The website for World Cancer Day 2016 is at
West Lancs CCG Community Health Services Procurement
Please click here to link to West Lancs CCG’s website and click here to go to Contracts Finder.
30-9-15 Bidder event – please click here to see the CCG’s presentation
23-11-15 Learning Session – please click the links to see the presentations:
This is the document that will help organisations ‘sell themselves’ to providers – VCFS organisation summary form
8-12-15 CVS AGM follow up presentation – click here for the presentation
9-12-15 CCG stakeholder event – click here for the presentation
Patient Online
NHS England wants to increase the use of online GP services and would like to ask other partners to share #patientonline on their websites, social media and newsletters. Many GPs offer online services to their patients for which patients have to sign up. Online services do not replace traditional ways of contacting your GP practice, over the phone or in person. They simply offer additional ways to interact with your GP, making it easier and more convenient. For more information, go to: and
Healthwatch Autumn/ Winter Newsletter
See link:
CQC Invisible Conditions Campaign
CQC have launched an Invisible Conditions Campaign targeting those with long term conditions such as depression, diabetes, heart disease and COPD. They know that people living with long term conditions access health and social care services on a regular basis and so their feedback on care will help CQC inspectors decide when, where and what to inspect. They want to hear their experiences – both good and bad.
CQC will be engage with people with invisible conditions on Twitter (@CareQualityComm) asking them to share their experiences of care using the hashtag #InvisibleConditions. To find out more about the campaign, visit
Stay Well This Winter campaign
The Stay Well This Winter campaign is aimed at helping people prepare against the onset of winter and to raise awareness among those in key risk groups – such as the frail and elderly and those with long term conditions and respiratory illnesses.
A joint NHS England and Public Health England initiative, Stay Well This Winter was officially launched in November and is supported by a national TV, Press and digital campaign. Some key actions:
- Making sure you get the flu jab if eligible
- Keeping yourself warm – heat your home to least 18 degrees C (or 65F) if you can
- If you start to feel unwell, even if it’s just a cough or a cold, then get help from your pharmacist quickly before it gets more serious
- Always taking prescribed medicines as directed
For further information about how you and your family can stay well this winter, please visit
Act FAST for Stroke
Public Health England and the Stroke Association urge everyone to Act FAST if they spot any one of the signs of stroke.
A person loses 2 million nerve cells every minute that they do not receive medical treatment during a stroke. Nerve cells are the core components of the brain and the more that are lost, the greater the chance of permanent disability or death. The faster you act the more of the person you save.
Public Health England and the Stroke Association have produced a new video showing what could happen if you Act FAST compared to waiting to see if someone gets better:
Please spread the word about stroke by sharing this FAST video with the wider community. It’s already reached 35,000 people, let’s keep it going. See more:
Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust CQC Inspection
Please click here to read the letter and click here to read the FAQ’s from the CQC inspection for Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust.
Understanding personal health budgets
Personal health budgets have been in the media recently, and the NHS England Customer Contact Centre has received lots of enquiries from people who want to know more about them. People eligible for NHS Continuing Healthcare now have a right to have a personal health budget, and clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) are currently looking at who else in their area could benefit from the flexibility of managing their care in this way. More information can be found on the NHS Choices website.
Get online to be a click away from improving your health
NHS England is encouraging everyone to use the internet to help stay healthy. For e.g. you can take a course to see how the internet can help you manage your health. Websites such as NHS Choices can help with those little health niggles, or you could book fitness classes online and order prescriptions. Find your nearest UK Online centre at or call 0800 77 1234.
Do you need to protect yourself from flu?
The local NHS in West Lancashire is urging people to get their flu vaccination, particularly if you fall into particular groups deemed more at risk.
For most healthy people, flu is an unpleasant illness that usually lasts a week or so. However, older people, the very young, pregnant women and those with underlying disease are at particular risk of severe illness if they catch flu.
The following groups that are recommended to have the flu vaccination are:
- those aged 65 years and over
- those aged six months to under 65 in clinical risk groups for example those with diabetes, heart disease or chronic respiratory disease
- pregnant women
- all two, three and four year olds on 31 August 2015
- all children of school years 1 and 2 age
- those in long-stay residential care homes
- carers
- health and social care staff
The flu vaccine is still the best protection available to protect against an unpredictable virus which can cause severe illness and deaths each year among at-risk groups, including older people, pregnant women and those with a health condition, even one that is well managed.
Watch the Department of Health’s quick video to find out #staywellthiswinter @PHE_uk
Cold Weather Plan
See website:
Your views are making a difference in Lancashire
Thank you for supporting Healthwatch Lancashire by taking part in their campaigns and sharing your feedback. They have now received more than 1,100 reviews of health and social care services in Lancashire.
Public engagement activities across the county have resulted in more than 1,100 reviews about 163 different hospital, GP practice, care home, social care, pharmacy and dental services since March 2015. This intelligence has been analysed, shared and has resulted in improvements in care within services in Lancashire.
Healthwatch Lancashire would also like to thank their volunteers for the significant contribution they have made in supporting their engagement activities and by helping them to gather feedback from patients and people in Lancashire.
In total more than 4,500 individual pieces of feedback or responses to research campaigns have been recorded since the start of 2015 with additional people taking part in activities where views have been listened to such as assessments and patient journeys. Feedback received from members of the public is shared with those who manage and run services to identify where services are performing well and where improvements can be made.
Healthwatch Lancashire shares the views of the public with NHS trusts, clinical commissioning groups, the Care Quality Commission and other health and social care providers in Lancashire.
To tell Healthwatch Lancashire about an experience at a Lancashire health and social care service please click here.
Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust Annual Review
Please see link:
Know your numbers
High blood pressure causes strokes and heart attacks. It is a ‘silent killer’ as it has no symptoms. The only way to know you have it is to get a blood pressure check. ‘Make Every Second Count’ and Know Your Numbers! It could save your life. See website: know your numbers
Progress Report – Improvements To Care In The Last Days And Hours Of Life
See website:
Supporting smoking cessation using a harm reduction approach
Royal Society for Public Health has produced a report which sets out how they can further reduce smoking rates by encouraging smokers onto safer forms of nicotine. Tobacco contains nicotine along with many other chemicals, but nicotine by itself is fairly harmless. Nicotine is harmful in cigarettes largely because it is combined with other damaging chemicals such as tar and arsenic, and as a highly addictive substance getting hooked on nicotine is one of the prime reasons why people become dependent on cigarettes. Electronic cigarettes and Nicotine Replacement Therapy (gum, lozenges, and patches) contain nicotine but don’t contain the harmful substances found in cigarettes. Read the full report and the position paper. Please join in the conversation.
More inclusive Friends and Family Test
Updated guidance has been published to help the Test be more inclusive and now covers services across the NHS that are provided to children and young people – with special provisions for looked after children – as well as patients with learning disabilities, dementia, language and literacy issues or patients who are deaf or deafblind. More information:
Updated NHS Constitution and Handbook Published
The revisions following consultation include a focus on importance of transparency and accountability, greater prominence to mental health, and reflect the recommendations of the Francis enquiry. More information:
New Infographic shows how your voice makes a difference
Healthwatch Lancashire have produced an illustration to demonstrate how your feedback makes a difference to the health and social care services in Lancashire.
The infographic aims to simplify how Healthwatch Lancashire are working towards improving health and social care in the county by listening to the views, opinions and concerns of residents and raising these with those who manage, run and commission services. Healthwatch Lancashire challenge when intelligence shows that services need to improve and celebrate when we are told that they are performing well to share best practice. See website:
Right Wheelchair, Right Time, Right Now Campaign
The Right Wheelchair, Right Time, Right Now Campaign which aims to improve wheelchair services in England has been launched. Visit and pledge your support for the campaign to improve wheelchair services.
NHS Citizen update
NHS Citizen has kicked off with Gather – a website and programme of events for everyone to talk about how the NHS can improve. Citizens are discussing more than 20 conversations on different topics already.
Be Clear on Cancer
PHE has launched a national Be Clear on Cancer campaign to drive awareness of the risk of breast cancer amongst women over 70 including increasing their knowledge of lesser-known symptoms.
Public Health England Annual Plan
A Focus on Skelmersdale
Please click the link to read the full report on Skelmersdale commisioned by West Lancs CCG – . The introduction to the document is here –
Healthwatch Report – Safely home: What happens when people leave hospital and care settings?
Please click the link to read the report –
Expert nutritionists have recommended halving sugar in diet
Expert nutritionists have recommended halving sugar in diet – click here.
Healthwatch Lancashire 2014/15 Annual Report
Healthwatch Lancashire has focused its work on the acquisition, collation, analysis and communication of good quality data and soft intelligence from the people of Lancashire which has been used to improve local health and social care provision.
Healthwatch Lancashire’s five key projects are detailed in the Annual Report, together with an account of the progress which has been made in achieving Healthwatch Lancashire’s strategic objectives.
Click here to download the Annual Report
To request a copy by post or in an alternative format please email
Carers Services in West Lancs
As you may be aware there have been some changes to carers services in the local area and n-compass will now provide support and information to adult carers in West Lancs. For details of your local carers services contact: 0345 688 7113 between 8am and 6pm Monday to Friday. General email:
Carers Assessment Email:
Please Click here to read more about n-compass.
Importance of communities to health and wellbeing
This guide from Public Health England (PHE) and NHS England identifies the important roles local government and the NHS have in building confident communities to improve health and reduce inequalities. See website:
NCB – Improving Male Health for the Next Generation
A report, Improving Male Health for the Next Generation, presents findings from a survey of 138 men. The 2014 survey asked men about their approaches to getting help and advice on health issues, and what they think might help boys and young men growing up now to look after their health as they get older. More information:
Change4Life campaign encourages families to make sugar swaps
This campaign follows a survey which showed that mothers are concerned about the levels of sugar that their children consume. Change4Life recommends four ways to swap high sugar food items for lower ones. More information:
From Evidence Into Action: Opportunities to protect and improve the nation’s health
This document published at the same time as the NHS 5 year Forward View should be read in tandem with it. Public Health England has looked at the evidence to identify where they should focus efforts to make the most difference for public health. More information –
NHS England takes big steps towards patient safety
NHS England is funding a new national programme to improve the safety of patients and ensure learning sits at the heart of healthcare. A Patient Safety Collaborative will be established to empower patients, carers and staff to highlight, challenge and implement local improvements in patient care. More information –
The NHS Five Year Forward View
The NHS Five Year Forward View has been published and sets out a vision for the future of the NHS. It has been developed by the partner organisations that deliver and oversee health and care services including NHS England, Public Health England, Monitor, Health Education England, the Care Quality Commission and the NHS Trust Development Authority. Patient groups, clinicians and independent experts have also contributed. More information –
Smoking Cessation Course
Stop Smoking Service are running a Level 2 course in Smoking Cessation on 4 & 5 February 2016 at NHS Hilldale in Ormskirk District and General Hospital. The training will be from 9am until 4pm. Please click here for the aims and outline of the two days.
If you are interested in attending please contact Jackie Mullin on 01695 588 047 or via email on to reserve a place. Places will be allocated on a first come first serve basis.
Lancashire Mind Public Access Training
Tuesday 9 February 2016 at Paddock Business Centre, 2 Paddock Road, Skelmersdale, WN8 9PL
Understanding Mental Health (9.30am-12.30pm)
This course aims to give participants a wider understanding of mental health and work more effectively with individuals experiencing mental health conditions.
Understanding Self Harm (1.30pm-4.30pm)
This course aims to give participants a wider understanding of self harm and work more effectively with individuals who self harm. The course focuses on strategies, responses, harm minimisation and self care.
£75 half day / £145 full day inc lunch. Book your training place with Lancashire Mind. Call: 01257 231660 / Email:
Lancashire Mind Open Access Training Course Specifically for Families/Carers
Tuesday 16 February 2016 at Paddock Business Centre, 2 Paddock Road, Skelmersdale, WN8 9PL. £75 half day.
Resilience And Me (9.30am-12.30pm)
This course is open to anybody interested in building their personal resilience or the resilience of others. Participants will gain a greater understanding and knowledge of resilience in relation to mental wellbeing. We will be looking at simple practical tools that individuals can embed into their personal lives or the lives of others to improve mental wellbeing.
Understanding Self Harm (1.30pm-4.30pm)
This course aims to give family members/carers a wider understanding of self harm and work more effectively with individuals who self harm. The course focuses on strategies, responses, harm minimisation and self care.
Book your training place with Lancashire Mind on 01257 231660 / Email:
Free Nutrition Training
West Lancashire Borough Council is offering a free half day accredited nutrition course on Tuesday 23 February 2016 (9.30am – 1.00pm) at Ormskirk Council Offices. click here to find out more. The closing date for booking is Monday 8 February 2016.
Lancashire Mind Training
Three training sessions organised in Preston on the following topics:
- understanding mental health – 29 March 2016
- Understanding Self Harm – 29 March 2016
- Resilience Masterclass in Education settings – 5 April 2016
To book, please email If you would like to book places for four individuals or more it may be more cost effective to book a private training session for yourselves at a venue of your choice.
FREE Health Champion Training- Accredited Level 2 – Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH)
n-compass is currently commissioned by Lancashire County Council to deliver Health champion training in north, central and west Lancashire. The training course is delivered free of charge either at a venue of your choice providing you have sufficient numbers (10-14), however they can deliver training locally once they have sufficient numbers.
The course is delivered over 2 days, concluding with an exam on day 2, learners will need to obtain 66% (20/30) in order to receive the accreditation.
Click here for the Health Champion flyer and herefor a fact sheet from RSPH outlining the roles and benefits of the qualification.
If you or your organisation would like to take advantage of this for your team or clients etc. please contact the Services Support Team by telephoning Martin Webster or Gary Jordan on 01253 362140 or by email to to arrange attendance, or to discuss further.
Stroke Patient Information Workshop
NHS Midlands and Lancashire CSU are holding a workshop to review existing Stroke services in Lancashire (particularly Stroke Patient Information). Details are below.
On Wednesday 27 January 2016 from 1pm – 4pm at Jubilee House, Leyland PR26 6TR
The workshop will involve stroke patients, carers, family members and staff representatives from all phases of the stroke pathway. The aims of the workshop are to understand:
- The requirements for patient information (in all formats whether verbal, written etc.) as per the service outline
- What information is currently provided to patients and felt to be good/well received e.g. leaflets
- What the gaps are and therefore what needs to be developed/put in place
Please come prepared with your experience of what information is good/well received including examples from the area if applicable, documents, leaflets etc.
For further information about the workshop and to book a place please contact Sharon Walkden on 01772 214103 or
Southport & West Lancs Prostate Cancer Support Group
The next meeting takes place on Thursday 4 Feb 2016 7-9pm. Please note that this meeting will also include the Annual General Meeting. click here for more details.
Hate Crime Roadshow
Victims’ Voice holding a Hate Crime roadshow on Tuesday 2 February 2016 from 4-7pm at Hope High School. Click here for poster. Click here to book: (If you cannot access the Eventbrite link, please ring Josh on 07525 131 799).
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender People Affected by Cancer
Macmillan are looking for LGBT people affected by cancer to an event in Manchester on Saturday 30 January 2016 from 10.30-3pm at LGBT Foundation, Number 5, Richmond Street, Manchester, M1 3HF.
It’s all part of setting up a new LGBT and cancer taskforce to get an idea of the issues this group feel are important. If you are an LGBT person affected by cancer, or you have cared for someone from the LGBT community who has experienced cancer, Macmillan Cancer Support would like to invite you to their first engagement event. The event will be a place to share stories, and to make new connections which will help paint a picture of the experiences of LGBT people affected by cancer.
LGBT people with cancer can face disadvantage, inequality and discrimination. Your involvement as partners in this taskforce will help shape Macmillan’s work nationally to improve outcomes for people with cancer and tackle inequalities.
The event will be structured and interactive, but led by the views and input of those attending. All lunch and refreshments will be provided, plus reasonable travel costs will be paid in advance or reimbursed. The venue is fully accessible.
To express interest in participating, email:, telling a bit about yourself and why you would like to attend; if you are not online, contact Fatimah Vali on 0207 091 2405 to leave a message and you will be called back to ask you a bit about yourself and what your experience has been before you are offered a place as Macmillan Cancer Support want to ensure that a diverse mix of people are in the room in terms of ethnicities, ages, gender identity, types of cancer, and the area you come from.
Beyond this event, there will also be other ways you can get involved in the taskforce in the future, email: to register your interest in being kept updated or for more information contact Ali Davenport on 0161 227 3727 / 07767663099 /
Local health body to meet in Hesketh Bank
The healthcare commissioners in West Lancashire are to hold their next board meeting in public at Hesketh with Becconsall Village Community Centre on Tuesday 26 January at 9.30am.
Members of the local community are welcome to attend to observe the board meeting. Questions relating to items on the agenda, which is published one week prior to the meeting, can also be raised by visiting the governing body page of the CCG’s website or by contacting the secretary to the board directly on 01695 588144 by noon on Monday 25 January. There is also the opportunity for attendees to have an informal discussion with some of the board members following the closure of the meeting.
The meeting will run for two hours and will be held in Front Hall, Hesketh with Becconsall Village Community Centre, Station Road, Hesketh Bank, PR4 6SR.
West Lancs CCG Community Health Services Procurement
Please click here to link to West Lancs CCG’s website and click here to go to Contracts Finder.
30-9-15 Bidder event – please click here to see the CCG’s presentation
23-11-15 Learning Session – please click the links to see the presentations:
This is the document that will help organisations ‘sell themselves’ to providers – VCFS organisation summary form
8-12-15 CVS AGM follow up presentation – click here for the presentation
9-12-15 CCG stakeholder event – click here for the presentation
Follow-up – Musculoskeletal Redesign Visioning Event July 2015
click here to see the document
Health & Wellbeing Day West Lancs Take Time to Treat Yourself
The last Saturday of every month at Age UK, Moorgate, Ormskirk, L39 4RY from 12:30- 5pm. Free entry. All welcome.
All treatments just £12.50/ half hour – *Massage* Reiki* Reflexology* Acupuncture* Facials* Sound Healing* Crystal Therapy* *Readings* Homemade Gifts & Jewellery* Cafe* Demonstrations* Yoga* Mindfulness*
To book your therapy please contact Jessica on 07971 211122, or email r facebook/health&wellbeingdaysWestLancs
Care Quality Commission (CQC) seeks views on its plans
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is seeking views on its plans for the next five years as it develops its approach to regulation. CQC has changed the way it works over the past three years and in its consultation document ‘Shaping the Future’, it sets out a vision for the future regulation of health and social care.
The way health and social care is delivered has changed and is continuing to change, with increasing numbers of acute NHS trusts providing social care, more GP federations, and technology playing a greater role in the way services are delivered – coupled with the demographic challenge of increasing numbers of older people with needs that will be met by more than one service. In this consultation document, CQC sets out proposals that respond to these new ways of working.
CQC is also asking for views on its proposed approach to using data, which will support a risk-based approach to regulation. In turn, this will support a more targeted and tailored inspection programme that allows CQC to inspect services rated good and outstanding less frequently and to lend greater support to those performing less well.
Feedback from the consultation paper published last October indicated broad support for CQC’s regulatory approach. Respondents said CQC should focus on areas such as working better with its partners and ensuring it stays on the side of the public and people who use services.
For more information see the attached letter from CQC’s chairman and chief executive.
The consultation is open until 14 March 2016. CQC will formally respond to the feedback provided when it publishes its strategy in May this year.
- A link to the consultation document Shaping the future can be found here.
- You can respond to the consultation through the web form or by email
You can also tweet your thoughts at #cqcstrategy
National LGB&T Partnership: ‘I Statements’
The National LGB&T Partnership is gathering information about what LGBT people want from health and care services. They are compiling a document that will be used to influence policy makers, and that can be referred to by health and social care providers to help them to improve their services. The overall aim is to inform policy makers and health care staff about the needs and wants of LGBT people. See website:
NHS England Framework for Patient and Public Participation in Primary Care Commissioning: voluntary and community sector views sought
The views of patients and the public are very valuable to NHS England in shaping their future approach to participation. A working group including internal and external stakeholders has developed a draft Framework for Patient and Public Participation in Primary Care Commissioning. NHS England are now seeking comments on the draft from patients and the public, including the voluntary and community sector.
The Framework is available here along with a short set of questions.
NHS England would be really grateful for your views.
You may find it helpful to first look at the overarching NHS England Patient and Public Participation Policy (easy read version is available here) and Statement of Arrangements and Guidance on Patient and Public Participation in Commissioning.
These documents set out their commitment to participation and outline how it will work with patients and the public to enable them to influence the health services they use. The primary care framework has been drafted to take account of this context and aims not to duplicate existing information.
The deadline is Friday 12 February 2016. NHS England say that all feedback received by this date will be considered and incorporated as appropriate into the framework, which will be presented to NHS England’s Commissioning Committee (a sub-committee of the Board) for approval in March 2016.
Should you have any queries, please contact the NHS England Public Participation Team in the national support centre: or telephone 0113 8250861.
How to keep health risks from drinking alcohol to a low level: public consultation on proposed new guidelines
This public consultation seeks views on the UK Chief Medical Officers’ proposed new guidelines to limit the health risks associated with the consumption of alcohol. Views are specifically sought on the recommendations on a weekly guideline on regular drinking; advice on single episodes of drinking; and a guideline on pregnancy and drinking. This consultation closes on 1 April 2016.
Click here for guidelines and click here for the online survey.
NHS England and NICE ask for views on future direction of Cancer Drugs Fund
A consultation on draft proposals outlining a new Cancer Drugs Fund (CDF) has been launched. The aim of the new CDF is to help patients receive new treatments whilst evidence is collected for up to two years on how well they work in practice.
This will help determine whether the treatments should be accepted for routine use in the NHS in the future. The closing date is 11 February 2016 and more information can be found at
Visitor and Migrant NHS Cost Recovery Programme: Consultation to Extend NHS Charging
The government is seeking views on how short term visitors to England should contribute to meeting the costs of all NHS healthcare they receive.
To read more, go to: The consultation closes on 6 March 2016.
Cheshire & Merseyside Strategic Clinical Network – People’s Voice Virtual Network
are very keen to engage with communities who experience poorer health outcomes and whose voices we can find harder to hear. More information contact Gloria Payne, Quality Improvement Lead – Patient & Public Involvement or visit for more details. You can also register on-line at
Healthwatch Lancashire need your help with speaking to community groups to give people the opportunity to say “I’ve Had My Say”
The Healthwatch Lancashire team want to talk with community groups to gather feedback on health and social care services with a programme of ‘Care Circle’ events.
They use the information people share about services such as hospitals, GP practices, dentists, health centres, residential care homes and pharmacies to influence service improvement and share best practice. If you run a community groups and would like to help group members share their views and experiences please contact 0300 303 8811 or click here and complete an online form.
Person-centred Care
Empowering patients to manage and shape their own health care is crucial to creating a more person-centred, personalised NHS. A select group of CCGs and the UK Renal Registry are using a questionnaire (called the ‘Patient Activation Measure’), previously developed and tested in the US, to assess the knowledge skills and confidence people have in managing their own health and health care. The early findings from a qualitative evaluation of the measure by the University of Leicester provide unique insight into how this tool can be implemented in the NHS.
Voluntary and Community Group Feedback Form
The Care Quality Commission has developed this Group Feedback Form to learn more about the quality and safety of local health and care services in your area.
It needs your support to gather evidence and intelligence, which will be used to help CQC inspectors before they carry out local inspections. What voluntary and community groups tell them will help inspectors decide when to inspect a service and what to look for. It may also help them decide what rating to give the service in their inspection report. click here for more and Click here for feedback form.
Improving people’s experiences of using mental health services
NHS Midlands & Lancashire Commissioning Support Unit is currently looking at how they can improve people’s experiences of using mental health services. They would like to understand what you think are the best ways to make sure that people can easily:
- Get support before a mental health crisis occurs
- Get urgent help when in a mental health crisis
- Get good quality care when in crisis
- Stay well and avoid future crises
They are going to arrange an informal workshop to listen to your views on how you think people can get the best help for mental health problems and how you would like things to change. Your suggestions can inform plans that are being created to improve people’s experiences in Lancashire. If you would be interested in taking part in a workshop, or would like more information, please contact: or call 01772 214103.
Britain’s families: thriving or surviving?
4Children has launched an inquiry into modern family life in Britain, entitled ‘Britain’s Families: thriving or surviving‘. This will take place over six months and aims to uncover challenges and opportunities families face and understand what can be done to better support family life. As part of the Inquiry, 4Children want to speak directly to children, young people, parents and carers. If you run a group or a service that 4Children could visit and hold a focus group with, or you think you might be able to support the Inquiry in any other way, please email:
Feedback from CCG Listening Events
Click the link to read the feedback from the recent events –
Join the NHS Citizen gather to have your say on the NHS
If you want to have your say on how health services should be run in England, you can join the NHS Citizen Gather – an online forum where you can raise issues and ideas about how the NHS in England can improve.
Visit the NHS Citizen website to find out more about the ways that you can have your say and visit Gather to join the discussion.
HealthWatch Lancashire want views on dental health services
HealthWatch Lancashire want you to share your views on access to primary and emergency dental services and how you would like to see these services delivered.
The Healthwatch Lancashire team will be engaging with residents in various locations across the county to collect the views of the public. The findings of the research will then be shared with NHS England in addition to those who manage and commission dental services in the county.
Complete the survey by clicking here.
Find health and social care services and share your experience
You can find Lancashire health and social care services and leave feedback using the new Healthwatch Lancashire website – Share an experience today here
Local NHS asks for views on community health services
The NHS in West Lancashire is gathering views from local people about their experiences of local health services that are delivered outside of hospitals such as GPs, district nurses, podiatry, mental health services etc. Your views will be used to support the NHS’ vision for joined up care and help deliver improvements in the future. See the leaflet for more:
Apprenticeship Learning funding
Between £1000 and £2000 per learner is available for Third Sector Organisations whose services are directly linked to Health Care and Wellbeing and are providing those services within the North West.
This funding is claimed direct by the employer and aims to support employers upskill their staff through Apprenticeship Frameworks. Click here for more or contact Gill Cunnah –
Local Member Grants
Each County Councillor has a budget of £3,000 per year under the Local Member Grants scheme. They can award funding to groups that benefit residents from within their electoral division. Click here to find out more.
Alternative Guide to Mental Health Care in England
From the Kings Fund. See website:
Developed by the advice and technology charity Lasa, socialcareinfo is a new web tool designed to help people find details of the social care support available to them locally; national information about their rights and entitlements; and details of local independent advice organisations.
The NHS Constitution – the handbook
This handbook explains the contents of the NHS Constitution in further detail, and provides various alternative formats of the NHS Constitution, including an audio and easy read version.
Alzheimer’s Research UK presents #sharetheorange – share with others
New online video – campaign launched on 18 January 2016. Produced by Aardman Animations, featuring actor Christopher Eccleston, whose father suffered from dementia:
The background explanation is at:
Stay Warm in Winter 2016
Please Click here to read this handy information pack which includes useful contact, advice and recipes to help keep warm this winter. If you would a hard copy of the pack please contact Kirstie Dwan on 01695 733737 /
Poor beginnings: health inequalities among young children across England
This report is based on official data published by Public Health England and it looks at four key measures of young children’s health and wellbeing: obesity, tooth decay, accidental injury and school readiness. It pictures the health of children under five years old living in England and shows how growing up in different areas of the country can have an impact on the likelihood of experiencing a poor health outcome before starting school.
See website:
OPAAL’s Older People’s Cancer Voices film project
The project, funded by Department of Health, supports older people affected by cancer to engage with health and care professionals to raise awareness of the issues that are important to them, and to disseminate messages about the benefits of advocacy support. This project is about amplifying the voices of older people affected by cancer so that health and care practitioners and commissioners see the value of advocacy.
See the four films on the website:
For more information please contact Ang Broadbridge, OPAAL UK, Older People’s Advocacy Alliance, 07854 880 675 / website:
Real People of Lancashire Report
The “Real People of Lancashire” research campaign encouraged the residents of Lancashire to have their say on what matters to them when it comes to health and social care by taking part in an interactive activity.
Please click here to download this report
Chief Medical Officer Annual Report 2014: Women’s Health
Contains analysis of, and recommendations on, a range of women’s health issues, including obesity, cancer and reproductive health. See website:
Carers Rights Guides
Please see website:
Smoking, drinking and drug use among young people
A recent report describes the results from an annual survey of secondary school pupils in England in autumn 2014. The report shows the percentage of pupils who have ever smoked, tried alcohol or taken drugs and explores the attitudes of school children towards smoking and drinking.
Quick Guides to get ready for winter
Six Quick Guides providing examples of how people across the country are working with the care sector (including voluntary sector organisations) to reduce unnecessary hospital admissions and delayed transfers of care. More information:
“Identifying and responding to suicide clusters”
A resource to assist local organisations prevent linked suicides in their areas, often referred to as ‘suicide clusters’, has been produced. More information:
Recovering alcohol and drug users leading service planning
Public Health England launched a guide showing the benefits of involving recovering alcohol and drug users in the design and development of their own, and others, treatment and recovery. The guide showcases a number of examples of unique services from across the country that have been set up by, or run by, former alcohol and drug users. Download the guide:
Connect with personal health budget holders at peoplehub
Peoplehub is the national user-led network for personal health budget holders, bringing people together to share experiences and help shape national policy. You can find out more about them on the peoplehub website or by joining their Facebook group. Hear more about the important contribution peoplehub makes in this short film.
The importance of measuring and acting to improve the mental well-being of children and young people
Measuring mental well-being in children and young people shows that raising levels of mental well-being influences a child’s ability to learn, their resilience to risky behaviours and their physical and mental health in adulthood. PHE’s resource is designed to help local organisations decide how to best gauge the mental well-being of children and young people in their areas. More information:
English Indices of Deprivation 2015
The English Indices of Deprivation 2015 have been published – . This provides information that you can use to understand and demonstrate local need. It can help you in funding bids and also can help you when supporting local groups.
There is a guidance note that explains how the index of multiple deprivation can be used, and expands on the headline points in the infographic. It will also help you to navigate the various data files and documents available.
Supporting documents include a Statistical Release of the main findings, a guidance note, infographic and frequently asked questions, with more detailed research and technical reports.
Health matters
Health matters is a resource for public health professionals. It is designed to support commissioning and delivering services across local areas. The resource will bring together in one easily accessible package local and national level data, policy and programme expertise, as well as campaigning and social marketing resources. The first edition is about quitting smoking.
Safer Sleeping Guidance
Click SAFER SLEEPING GUIDELINES 2015 or see website for training dates:
Posters for young people
The NHS Youth Forum has launched a series of posters for young people. From discussions with young people it was clear that they were confused about their rights when receiving health services. The series of posters focus on young people’s right to consent, their right to complain and their right to comment and give feedback on the services that they receive. The posters come with an overarching leaflet that gives more information about each topic. The leaflet is also available in audio and easy read versions.
Health Profile for West Lancs 2015
Please click here to see the Health profile for West Lancashire 2015.
Men need humour and camaraderie to lose weight
A How to guide by the Men’s Health Forum charity, and supported by Public Health England, is the first to show how to adapt and run weight-loss programmes that are tailored specifically for men.
Video of West Lancashire’s Health Profile
This video gives some key facts and figures about the health of the population in West Lancs:
Health and Safety Made Simple
If you think health and safety has to be complicated – it doesn’t. This site will make it easier for you to comply with the law and manage health and safety in your business.
Evidencing Your Value
Everyone talks about evidencing your value but how? Here are some resources and tools which may help
- The NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement – the Return on investment Calculator
- Department of Health – Measuring Social Value: How 5 social enterprises did it
- The Cabinet Office, Office of the Third Sector – Social Return on Investment – an introduction
- Charities Evaluation Service – Outcome and Outcome Indicator Banks
JSNA Intelligence for Healthy Lancashire
Do you need information and data to evidence the need for your project? Or evidence your impact? Do you need information/data about a particular topic or area in Lancashire? The Lancashire County Council Intelligence for Healthy Lancashire, Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) is a hugely valuable resource with information, data and toolkits which can inform your organisation’s strategic and operational development and provide evidence of need for, or evidence of impact projects/activities.
CLICK HERE to go to the website
Information is available in the following topic areas:
- Children and young people
- Community safety
- Economic participation
- Education and lifelong learning
- Environment
- Health
- Housing and households
- Lifestyle
- Mental health and wellbeing
- Population
- Poverty
- Social capital
- Social support
- Transport
FIND Database
The FIND database includes information about disabled children up to 18 years old in Lancashire.
Families are invited to submit details about their disabled child to the database, which is used to develop an overview of the needs of disabled children across the county to assist with planning services. Click here to find out more.
West Lancs CCG Community Health Services Procurement
Please click here to link to West Lancs CCG’s website and click here to go to Contracts Finder.
30-9-15 Bidder event – please click here to see the CCG’s presentation
23-11-15 Learning Session – please click the links to see the presentations:
This is the document that will help organisations ‘sell themselves’ to providers – VCFS organisation summary form
8-12-15 CVS AGM follow up presentation – click here for the presentation
9-12-15 CCG stakeholder event – click here for the presentation
Health Network Event / CCG AGM
The report from this Health Network Event held on 22 September is available to read – HNE Report 22-9-15. There were presentations by Greg Mitten, Mike Wedgeworth, Paul Kingan and Mike McGuire. Please click here to read the presentations in full.
One West Lancs Showcase 2015 / Health Network Event
The report from this event held on 13 May is now available to read – please click here and presentations are available to read on the One West Lancs website shortly –
Report from the Health Network Event 18 Feb 2015
Please click here to read the report from the Health Network Event held on 18 February 2015 at Edge Hill University.
There were several presentations at the event – please click the names below to read them in full:
If you would like a copy of Dr Karen Groves and Lucinda McArthur’s presentations, please contact Vicky Attwood This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. as these are too big to be uploaded onto the website. Dr Groves also showed a video as part of her presentation – .
Notes from the workshops will be available soon.
Health Hub
Every Friday between 10am and 12pm at the Lions Den in the Concourse. Have your blood pressure taken, have a diabetes risk assessments and more. For more info, contact SCFI: 01695 720 555.
Move for Health
Chair based exercise class. Greenhill Community Hub, every Tuesday at 11am (if it is your first time please arrive at 10:30am to fill in a health questionnaire) – No need to book, just call in. For information contact SCFI – 01695 720 555.
Healthier Living
Healthier Living is a free & confidential service providing support for those living with and affected by HIV in Lancashire. Healthier Living does this through: promoting a healthier Lifestyle, supporting the physical and emotional effects of HIV, challenging the impact of isolation and discrimination, allowing people to enjoy the present and plan for the future and does this via one to one appointments with a project worker and/or counsellor and through their support groups. Please click here or contact 01772 253840 for further information.
Volunteer recruitment
Calling all individuals who are interested in volunteering at Healthier Living.
Healthier Living will be conducting their volunteer induction program at the end of February. If you would like to attend the volunteer induction please email or before 15 February 2016 and Yvonne/Jane will email an application pack to you which needs to be completed and returned by 22 February 2015 in order for you to be considered and invited to the induction program.
New Information, Advice and Support Services Network (IASSN) website for disabled children and young people with SEN launched
This website aims to help disabled children and young people better understand what rights they have for accessing information, advice and support across education, health and social care. The website also contains full contact details for IAS services across England. More information:
The Council for Disabled Children and the National Children’s Bureau launch new “Get Your Rights” website
Its aim is to support children and young people to understand their rights when using the NHS. Get Your Rights is a new interactive website which has been developed in partnership and co-produced with children and young people, and sets out their rights in an interactive and accessible way. It includes videos from young people and there is also a resource hub with links to practical support for professionals.
West Lancs Stop Smoking Service New clinic Times
Please click here to see the new clinic times 2016. The stop smoking service is also running a temporary pop up stall in the Concourse (by Aldi) on Tuesday afternoons between 1pm and 4pm until the end of March.
New National Victim Information Service
A new information service has been launched which enables all victims of crime to go to one place for advice on what support is available and how to access it.
Samaritans has launched a new free-to-call UK helpline number which will not show up in a user’s phone bill. The new free 24 hour helpline number is 116 123.
Incredible Edible Todmorden
An apothecary garden planted beside a health centre in Todmorden. See website:
Southport Macmillan Information and Support Centre
For people who live in West Lancs too. Drop in at the centre 5 days a week excluding bank holidays, from 10am-4pm, and anyone who is affected by cancer is welcome.
Macmillan Information & Support Centre, Living Well Centre, 23-35 Scarisbrick Ave, Southport, PR8 1NW.
Tel: 0151 288 6893/7. Information Centre Mobile: 0797 616 7188. Email: Twitter @SouthportMacC
Happy to Talk Sessions
Happy To Talk champions run sessions at International shop/café at Concourse in Skelmersdale. (Ground Floor). Click here for more. It is aimed at getting people from different ethnic backgrounds to mix. At first it will be once a month session but may be able to increase to weekly as more Champions come on board.
Any queries, contact Cerys or Klaudia at the CVS – 01695 733737.
Community Inclusion League
Please Click here to see a poster for the Community Inclusion League running in Preston once a month. If you know of anybody who would like to enter a team please let them know. There is some funding available for new teams for equipment and transport if needed. For more information contact David Murphy, Support, Time & Recovery (STR) Worker, Service User Development & Enterprise Team, Central Lancashire Community Restart Team, Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust. T: 01772 773610 / 07903516657 / E: W:
Are you a male that enjoys singing in the bath?
Aughton Male Voice Choir needs new members. You can join at any time. Singing is very good for your health! Also the Choir run very successful fundraising evenings for local voluntary and community groups. See website:
Find Me Help
The National Council for Palliative Care and Dying Matters have launched Find Me Help, a comprehensive search tool to help people in the last years of life – and those close to them – find support and information.
Personal Health Budgets Advice
West Lancs Peer Support has been funded by NHS England to give information and advice about accessing Personal Health Budgets. They also manage the budgets for those who do not have capacity or do not want the work involved in being an employer. The service includes managing and paying the staff employed by the patient, payroll, tax and NI deductions, contracts of employment, record keeping for audit by the CCG and all admin concerned with the package of care.
Anyone who wants information about Personal Health Budgets please ring 01695-556554 and ask for Karen or Les and they will arrange a visit.
Integrated Home Improvement Services in Lancashire
Please see attached IHIS eligibility criteria or Minor Adaptations criteria..
- Minor Adaptations
Housing related support to disabled individuals and their carers to enable them to improve their safety at home, or to achieve independent living through the provision of small adaptations these are recommended by a Health or Social Care professional and sent to Adult Social Care services administration services.
- Handyperson jobs
The IHIS provider will offer a range of small interventions based on the person’s needs and the outcomes the person would like to achieve.
- Core Home Improvement work
Providing advice and guidance to vulnerable people whose home is becoming unsuitable for the person to occupy. Including a healthy home assessment, which can provide bannister rails and grab rails as possible outcomes as well as other provision and signposting.
Preston Care and Repair cover West Lancs. For more information contact the Customer Service Centre CSC 0300 123 6720.
Healthier Living with HIV in Lancashire
Renaissance at Drugline-Lancashire is proud to announce that Healthier Living has been successful in the recommissioning of HIV support by Lancashire County Council Public Health.
Re-launched on 1 October 2015, Healthier Living provides support services for all adults living with and affected by HIV in Lancashire:
- provides a single point of contact for Lancashire
- offers a range of services from individual support, counselling, complimentary therapies , peer support groups and activities
- outreach and in reach across the county
- campaigning, education and training
- access to condoms
- community HIV testing
- advocacy to access other services
- volunteering opportunities
For more information or to access the services contact: Healthier Living on 01772 253840.
New Military Veterans’ Service for Lancashire
Lancashire Care has won the contract to provide a Military Veterans’ Service in Lancashire in partnership with Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust. The service provides mental health support to ex-service personnel for conditions including depression, alcohol and substance misuse, anger problems and post-traumatic stress disorder.
Referrals can be made in the following ways:
* Veterans can self-refer by calling 0300 323 07078 or by completing the secure online form at:
* Professionals should make a referral using the referral form (see website) and fax it to 0161 761 7083 or email it to:
Trust House Lancashire
Trust House Lancashire is a dedicated Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre for victims / survivors of sexual crimes in Lancashire, based in the centre of Preston and offering service provision across Lancashire. Trust House is working with partners across Lancashire to deliver outreach services in the West Lancashire, Burnley and Fleetwood areas to increase accessibility across the county. Click here to read the leaflet.
To find out more please contact 01772 825288. To make a referral email:
If you’ve been a victim of sexual violence and would like to talk to someone please contact the helpline number – 01772 200187.
For volunteer enquiries please email
New Wellbeing and Mental Health Helpline freephone number
The phone number has changed for the Lancashire Wellbeing and Mental Health Helpline and is now free. The number is now 0800 915 4640.
For more information regarding the service please contact Lorraine Khalaf, Mental Health Helpline Services Manager, Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust. Tel No: 01253 447900 / Email:
Shared Lives Carers
Please click here to find out more.
West Lancashire Diabetes Patients Network
Click here to see more information about the Diabetes Patient Network
Latest MS Society Newsletter
Please click here to read the latest West Lancs Branch’s MS Newsletter.
Carers Support West Lancashire
Carers Lancashire – Lancashire County Council
0345 688 7113
Option 1: Lancaster, Morecambe, Fylde, Wyre, Preston, Chorley, South Ribble or West Lancashire
Option 2: Hyndburn, Ribble Valley, Burnley, Pendle or Rossendale
NCompass are contracted by Lancashire County Council to deliver Carers Assessments, Peace of Mind for Carers Plans and Sitting In Service See website:
Carers Services information
Making a referral – self referral and professional online form
Lancashire – Adult Social Care
0300 123 6720
Care Act 2014 Information –scie
Please scroll down their page to see further information.
Advice and information for carers – Carers UK
0808 808 7777 Carers UK Advice line is open Monday to Friday, 10am-4pm
Community Directory
Please browse the Community Directory on Community-i for a comprehensive list of voluntary, community and faith sector organisations.
Stop Hate UK National Helpline
Stop Hate UK has launched the Stop LGB&T 24hrs national helpline service. Stop Hate UK is a national charity which has been providing a 24 hour helpline service in many areas of England to anyone affected by hate crime since 2006. They recently received funding from the Equality and Human Rights Commission to extend their helpline across England, Wales and Scotland.
Cycling Group in Skelmersdale
Community Restart runs cycle rides each Tuesday from Skelmersdale library at 10.15am for an hour. The aim of the rides are to promote positive health and wellbeing and give the general public an opportunity of gentle exercise in the community. The rides will last about an hour and will be at a very steady pace.
In addition they need volunteers that may be interested in supporting the ride.
For more information contact Sandra Livesey, Community Restart, Tel No: 01772 773600 / 07917627446. Email:
New Social Group for adults on the autistic spectrum
Group meets in Ormskirk Civic Hall for people on the autistic spectrum and their families. This will be a social evening which will start at 7pm and finish at 9pm and will cost £3.00. For more information contact Mark Hill, Support Time and Recovery Worker on 01695 729 222 / email Website:
COPA – One to One Support for Older People With Cancer
Support people over 50 affected by cancer to make informed choices and decisions about investigations, treatment, care and day to day issues and help to find out whatever they need to know, from information on cancer, through to what practical help is available locally. See website: or click here for more information
Get Involved
They are looking for Cancer Peer Advocates, training, support and expenses provided, who want to help ensure that no older person in our local area faces cancer alone.
If you are interested in being involved they are also looking for local Cancer Champions, who will sit on their board, promote service, and influence delivery, feeding into National Cancer Champions Board regularly. Find out how to get involved.
Firm Roots Cancer Prayer Support Group Info
Meets at St John’s Church Hall, School Lane, Burscough on the first Tuesday of every month 6.30pm – 8pm. Anyone affected by cancer – either directly or supporting someone through it- is very welcome. Come for tea, cake, encouragement, friendship & to pray for people affected by cancer. See the website for more info Contact Helen Jones
Southport & West Lancs Prostate Cancer Support Gp
This group has been set up to offer information and support to men (and their families) with prostate cancer. Please note that this group is independent of Prostate Cancer UK but they are supporting its development. Please contact Yvonne Trace for more information: Prostate Cancer UK, 0161 475 1721 /
Find Me Help
The National Council for Palliative Care and Dying Matters have launched Find Me Help, a comprehensive search tool to help people in the last years of life – and those close to them – find support and information.
New weekly Social Group for adults on the autistic spectrum
Mondays from 7pm-9pm there is a new weekly Social Group for adults on the autistic spectrum being held at Skelmersdale Baptist Church, 43 Flimby Birch Green, Skelmersdale, WN8 6PD. For more information, please contact: Mark Hill on 07772938670.
The Health Hub
The Health Hub is a drop in session in a friendly environment where you will receive a warm welcome and information about personal wellbeing at the Live Room @ The Engine Rooms.
Drop in between 10am-12.30pm every second Tuesday.
You can check your blood pressure; assess your risk of developing type 2 diabetes; check your weight and receive support and information around your lifestyle and learn more about what SCFI and your community has to offer for you! Where:
For more information contact SCFI on: 01695 720 555 / or just come along to SCFI at 14-16 Westgate Skelmersdale WN8 8AZ.
Pharmacies with longer opening hours
Asda Stores Ltd
Ingram Road, Skelmersdale, Lancashire, WN8 6LA Tel: 01695 567010 Monday: 8am – 11pm Tuesday – Friday: 7am – 11pm Saturday: 7am – 10pm Sunday: 10:30am – 4:30pm
Aspire Pharmacy 9 Railway Road, Ormskirk, L39 2DN Tel: 01695 580022 Weekdays: 7am – 11pm Saturday: 7am – 10pm Sunday: 11am – 4pm
Fishlocks Chemist
60 Liverpool Road North, Burscough, L40 4BY Tel: 01704 894391 Weekdays: 7:30am – 10:30pm Weekends: 8:30am – 9pm.
Stop Smoking Clinics in West Lancs
click here for a list of Stop Smoking Clinics.
Support for single parents
One Space is a community for single parents with support from experienced parenting facilitators bringing together essential information, interactive learning & friendly forums for peer support. It is a lifeline to many who are parenting alone.
One Space aims to be the first port of call for single parents online – providing professional 1-2-1 advice from a team of experts in areas such as family law; benefits; CSA; money and debt; relationships and separation etc.
One Space is delivered by the Single Parent Action Network (SPAN) with support from the Department for Education. Website:
Personal Health Budgets Advice
West Lancs Peer Support has been funded by NHS England to give information and advice about accessing Personal Health Budgets.
They also manage the budgets for those who do not have capacity or do not want the work involved in being an employer. The service includes managing and paying the staff employed by the patient, payroll, tax and NI deductions, contracts of employment, record keeping for audit by the CCG and all admin concerned with the package of care. Anyone who wants information about Personal Health Budgets please ring 01695-556554 and ask for Karen or Les and they will arrange a visit.
Finding the right health service
NHS West Lancashire CCG has created a new video to help educate members of the public around which health services to use. Click here to watch it.
Nutrition Support
Lots of information about eating well and finding a nutritionist –
NHS Cancer Screening website
Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust
Useful information around cervical cancer:
Free occupational health advice for managers
Click here to access the relevant website.
The Stroke Association Social Group
The Stroke Association is holding a social group in Lathom on the last Tuesday of every month.
For all those affected by Stroke offering Information, Advice, Friendship, Support. From 10am – 12 noon on the last Tuesday of every month. Held at Skelmersdale Cricket Club, Blaguegate Lane, lathom, WN8 8TY.
For information please contact: Julie Glaister or Cathie Jones on 01772 456138.
Did you know you can text 999?
National Food Hygiene Rating Scheme
All food establishments in West Lancs should now display their rating. CLICK HERE for more information.
A Call in Time
A telephone befriending service for older people CLICK HERE
NHS Cancer Screening Programmes
Skelmersdale Community Food Initiative (SCFI)
Foetal Alcohol Syndrome
West Lancs Mental Wellbeing Network
Click here to find out more.
West Lancs Clinical Commissioning Group
Local Government (LG) Improvement and Development
The Local Government (LG) Improvement and Development has lots of information and resources you may find useful – Explore the website
VSNW Health and Social Care Network
Voluntary Sector North West (VSNW) has a health and social care network – Explore the website
Local Government Association
The LGA have a section of their website dedicated to Health, adult social care and ageing – Explore the website
NAVCA – Health and Social Care
The National Association for Voluntary & Community Action (NAVCA) has a Health and Social Care Section – Explore the website