Plenty of people are still struggling with the effects of the pandemic.
We’ve put together a list of local organisations who can offer help and support at this time. Do pass on information on to anyone you know who needs a hand.
We’ll be adding to this regularly, so let us know of any we’ve missed….
- Wellbeing Helpline & Texting Service– Freephone 0800 915 4640
- Mindsmatter Lancashire – Single Point of Access for a number of support services including Yewdale Counselling, Bereavement Counselling, Twinkle House, and Ennerdale House: https://www.lscft.nhs.uk/mindsmatter2-contact-us-self-referral
- Ennerdale Centre, Skelmersdale: Tel: 01695 713 248, Email: ennerdalereferral@wlcrisiscentre.org.uk website: birchwoodcentre.co.uk/
- Yewdale Counselling Services West Lancashire: phone 01695 559070 yewdalecounselling@hotmail.co.uk Facebook
- Bereavement Counselling Service: phone 01695 570 729 email: TheBCS101@btconnect.com website: thebcsonline.co.uk/
- Counselling West Lancs: counsellingwestlancs@gmail.com Facebook page
- Man-archy: support for men – www.divinedays.co.uk/man-archy, email: man-archy@divinedays.co.uk or telephone: 07782 548395
- WeAreHopeSt: facebook.com/wearehopestreet and twitter.com/letstalkhopest
- PULSE, Skelmersdale – drop in Mon-Fri 9am-2pm phone: 01695 556630 thepulseskem.org.uk/
- Together All – online support : https://togetherall.com/en-gb/
- Southport & District Samaritans 116 123 free from any phone
- Support for veterans: Op Courage – www.nhs.uk/nhs-services/armed-forces-community/mental-health/veterans-reservists/
- Citizens Advice West Lancashire: www.citizensadvice.org.uk/about-us/contact-us/contact-us/search-for-your-local-citizens-advice/local-citizens-advice-details/?serialnumber=565378
- SWILICAN: Tel : 01695 726269 www.swlican.org/index.php Facebook: www.facebook.com/SWLICAN-1010172462376752/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/SWLICAN
- Financial Inclusion Team at West Lancashire Borough Council – for issues such as food, fuel support, debt support, benefit support, mental health support etc. Phone 01695 585252 or email carl.wallace@westlancs.gov.uk
- West Lancashire Debt Advice Centre: debtadvice@wlda.org.uk (preferred method of contact) Phone: 07731 482120 (ansaphone)
- Ormskirk Food bank (voucher): foodbank.org.uk/get-help/how-to-get-help/ phone 07748 951274 or email info@ormskirk.foodbank.org.uk
- Skelmersdale Food bank (voucher): foodbank.org.uk/get-help/how-to-get-help/ (includes foodbanks at Oak House, Tanhouse and Trinity Methodist Church)
- Burscough Food Bank (voucher): skelmersdale.foodbank.org.uk/get-help/how-to-get-help/ phone 07989 05283 skelmersdale.foodbank.org.uk/locations/
- Birchwood Community Shop: Monday and Tuesday 11am-12 at Tanhouse Community centre, Thursday and Friday 11am-12 at the Ecumenical Centre. FREE veg, fruit, bread and more facebook.com/birchwoodcentre.skem or phone 01695 713248
- Evermoor Hub, Digmoor, Skelmersdale: phone 01695 727483
- All Saints Church, Hesketh Bank: small foodbank supporting local families. Contact Rev Dave on mob: 07805 598 256, tel:01772 814458
- Village Food Hub, Banks: sponsored by local churches. Tuesday mornings at St Stephen’s Institute, 12 Hoole Lane, Banks PR9 8BD. Pay £5 per week and get around £20 of food. Text name to 07526 897384 or email villagefoodhub@compassionacts.uk More info: www.compassionacts.uk/villagefoodhub.html
- West Lancs ARK: http://westlancsark.rf.gd/crbst_4.html Offers services to unemployed, ex-offenders, homelessness and substance misuse. Help with accessing housing, training, voluntary work, setting up own business and employment access help for drug and alcohol problems, mental health, debt claiming benefits
- Lancashire Carers Service: giving support to carers. Phone: 0345 688 7113 option 2, Text: : 07786 201226, Email: enquiries@lancscarers.co.uk Website: www.n-compass.org.uk/our-services/carers/the-lancashire-carers-service
- Inspire – Drug & Alcohol support based in Sandy Lane, Skelmersdale: https://inspirenorthlancs.org.uk/
- Sightline – free telephone-based befriending for people affected by sight loss. www.sightline.org.uk call 0800 587 2252 (9am-5pm Mon-Thurs) or email info@sightline.org.uk
- Young Peoples Gambling Harms Prevention Programme – Free treatment and support to those affected by problematic gambling. https://beaconcounsellingtrust.co.uk/problematic-gambling/ email: james.callaway@beaconcounsellingtrust.co.uk phone: 0151 226 0696
Household Support Fund – West Lancs Borough Council
- For West Lancs residents who don’t have enough resources for their immediate short-term needs and need help with essential items over the winter period of 2022 eg food, energy, bills, clothing
- For full details and applications go to: www.westlancs.gov.uk/bills-benefits/help-and-money-advice/household-support-fund.aspx
Lancashire Community Finance: www.lancashirecommunityfinance.co.uk
- Local office in Skelmersdale.
- Affordable, low cost, local loans and support for individuals and businesses from a non profit registered charity.
- Currently also operating a money and debt advice helpline as well as providing microbusiness support for people considering self-employment.
Emergency furniture supply
- Upholland Tawd Vale Lions – contact via www.facebook.com/uphollandtawdvalelionscharity/
- Upholland community hub: uphollanddalton.org.uk/up-holland-community-hub and www.facebook.com/UphollandCH/
- Evermoor Hub, Digmoor, Skelmersdale: phone 01695 727483
- Birchwood Social Inclusion Café: facebook.com/BirchwoodSIC
- The Greenhill hub: facebook.com/Greenhillhub
- Tanhouse community centre: facebook.com/groups/868730960214480
- Renew 100 Wellbeing Café: Trinity Church, Skelmersdale – renewwellbeing.org.uk/our-centres/451-renew-100
- Courtyard Café: https://www.facebook.com/groups/626670371249613/
- The Liberty Centre: https://thelibertycentre.org.uk/ Support, information and advice for anyone living with domestic abuse. Information Centre in Ormskirk and Refuge for 9 women and children located in West Lancashire area.
– For information: phone 01695 50600
– For Refuge: phone 0808 100 3062
- Lancashire Women: https://lancashirewomen.org/
- Manarchy: divinedays.co.uk/man-archy Men’s mental health provision for men within West Lancashire who are struggling to cope with a variety of issues and situations impacting on their mental health
- M.A.T.E.S – Men And Their Emotions support group https://www.facebook.com/groups/213602127327234 Based in Skelmersdale, helping men in the local community who may be suffering from mental health problems, addiction, depression, anxiety, loneliness and stress.
- Shine coaching: www.shine-coaching.com Practical solutions for men in Lancashire, to reduce anger and conflict and improve mental health and wellbeing.
- Family Forge: familyforge.org/ Offers a place of welcome, friendship and support, as well as the skills necessary to establish and flourish – via drop in services, culture and citizenship activities and a variety of classes
- Skem International: facebook.com/Skem-International-1756768637930859 Support for asylum seekers and refugees.
- The ASK club: https://theaskclubskelmersdale.org/ – a safe, friendly space for asylum seekers and refugees at Ecumenical Centre every Monday 12-4pm
As part of the new Community Champions scheme, the CVS will be researching and producing a local directory of voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise groups working throughout West Lancashire.
This will be available on the CVS website later in the year to help provide access to information on the many key activities and services delivered by the sector.
For more information on the Directory, please contact Debbie.