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Trustees’ Week – Nov 2nd-6th

As Trustee Week begins, voluntary groups and charities in West Lancashire are looking for special volunteers to help lead their organisations.

Trustees Week (2-6 November 2020) is an annual event to highlight the great work that trustees do and encourage people from all walks of life to get involved and make a difference.

There are different roles in running a charity including the Treasurer who has financial and fundraising skills, the Secretary who provides organisational and administration skills and Chairperson who manages meetings and provides leadership. Between them and the Board of Trustees they make important decisions about running the charity.

West Lancashire Council for Voluntary Service (CVS) currently has 12 opportunities to become a trustee for a diverse range of local charities. It also has over 200 other volunteering opportunities available.

To find out about these roles, or to volunteer as a trustee, contact the Volunteer Centre at CVS on 01695 733737 or email: vc@wlcvs.org

Greg Mitten, CVS Chief Officer says:

“A special thanks to all our West Lancashire CVS trustees past and present and to all charity trustees in West Lancs, Lancashire, the North West and beyond.  Your voluntary roles have always been essential and never more so than in the pandemic.”

Find out more about Trustees’ Week 2020 here: http://trusteesweek.org/